The First of Many

Monday, March 8, 2010


In case you haven't heard, I am alive and well in Yeongcheon, South Korea. It's been a little more than a week since my arrival, and it has been pretty eventful thus far. To prevent intense boredom, I'll make a nice bulleted list. Here are some of the things I have done:

  • got really drunk from Soju (popular Korean liquor) and cheap Korean beer (Hite).
  • ate some amazing BBQ ribs.
  • visited Daegu a few times.
  • went to a dance club and had a surprisingly great time - returned home around 6:15 am.
  • enjoyed delicious Chinese fusion cuisine.
  • drank a mojito from a plastic, ziplock bag while walking around the city (yes, that is legal).
  • played a hybrid of billiards and bowling, entitled "Billibowl".
  • went to a four band concert in which the performing band alternated between each song.
  • watched Paranoia Agent in its entirety.
  • learned hangul (Korean alphabet).
  • spoke with lots of strangers.
  • was told that I look handsome/like Harry Potter/Pinocchio/et. al.
  • found Skittles in a convenience store.
  • ridden in more taxis than the rest of my life, combined.
  • had a pomegranate-filled doughnut from Dunkin' Donuts.
  • learned the hard way that the hot water has to be activated on the main heating control before you shower.
  • was chased down the street due to confusion over payment at a restaurant. Twice.
  • witnessed public urination numerous times.

The things I miss/will soon miss is very limited, but good beer is absurdly expensive and coffee here is extraordinarily weak. $9 for a Guinness is not my idea of a good time.

In good news, I can't wait until I get paid. I found in my last visit that Daegu has a UniQlo (Japanese clothing chain) and there is a mint sweater that is calling my name. I will post some photos as soon as I have internet access in my apartment. Until next time.

- Zach

1 comments to “ The First of Many ”

  1. joy.sauce says:

    Soju and Hite remind me of the many nights I spent at nore bang in Raleigh...ahhhh... I will be forever jealous about those donuts! How much were those mojitos? lol

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