
Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Before I get carried away with how amazing the kids I teach are, it is time for my continued Korean beer taste test.  This time it is OB Blue.

First thing worth noting is the lack of Konglish (Korean version of Engrish) anywhere on the bottle.  OB Blue: The Original Quality Beer since 1933.  That is a complete, logical thought for once.  Is that a good sign?  We are about to find out... No.  It is not indicative of the contents whatsoever.  Do you like Pabst Blue Ribbon?  Me, too.  Do you like sugar?  Me, too. When combined they form OB Blue and prove that you can have too much of a good thing.  When you try to hide the mediocrity of  your beer with seven tablespoons of sugar, it is a recipe for disaster.  *ZING*  The only positive is that you get plenty of it for next to nothing.

Now for cute postcards!

To top off the awesome letter, he drew this sweet picture on the inverse side.

He really wanted to document the very! very! tall nose the best he could.

Next up:

I am not sure if he was apologizing for the picture or describing my work ethic.

In case you are interested, "~sam" is slang for ~ teacher.  To answer his question, I love to the english very much.

I got a sweet bowl cut when I wasn't looking, evidently.  At least my hair is now made of gold!

This girl was so cute.  Her friends kept coming up to me and saying that she was in love with me.  At the end of the day, she hugged me and ran off giggling for like 10 minutes straight.

If I ever get adopted into a Korean comic, this will be my new look.  Jane drew this for me.

Thank you very much and for now, さようなら. *

*8 cool points for whoever got the last reference.

1 comments to “ Kids. ”

  1. Anonymous says:

    these are pretty ridiculous. i don't see how you don't lose it right in their faces (i'm assuming you don't). your very! very! tall nose is appreciated internationally now.

    take care,

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