Another Day at the Office
Sunday, April 11, 2010
It's that time again. Time to exploit the hard work of my students for comedic value.
This one particular student was very fond of Jack. I think I am Jack now, even though my name was spelled clearly on the whiteboard.
This student, however, was quite fond of Jach. From their account, I seem to resemble the yawning prince from Spaceballs.
This portrait of a potato headed street walker is pretty common; I've had multiple girl students draw this lovely lady on my board during break time.
News Flash. For those uninformed, I recently gained about 170 lbs. and aged approximately 20 years. Working with children in Korea will do that to a person...
This is one of the cutest pictures that I have seen thus far; postal workers in France should find a better organizational method, though. Throwing all of the mail on the ground doesn't seem very efficient.
That's me. Wearing a crown. Giving a thumbs up. These students really captured my essence.
This slightly contradicts one of the earlier "photos" since the students claim my waist is so ant waist. I don't believe ants even have waists, though.
Here is a popular theme in which the students try to get me romantically involved with a co-teacher, even though she is engaged to one of the other teachers at my school. Just because Nick has a beard, the students say, "Nick teacher is OLD!"
I lost an eye and nose somewhere. At least I became an animated character in the process.
Dear girlfriends,
I am not sure exactly how I feel about my nose. It feels good some days, is stuffy others, but it does its job relatively well. I hope you are patient, for it will be at least 5 years until you are eligible for marriage. Also, polygamy is not really legal in most countries. I'm sorry... I like both of you, but I don't believe this will work out. It's not you (ladies), it's me. You deserve better.
- Zack
This was actually drawn by two male students in my classroom. They were high on PCP at the time, for that's the only explanation for me having stars all over my face. Oh, and yes, I is new teacher.
This one's not really funny; it is an interesting look at global relations, though. This is how many Korean people still feel about Japan, decades after the war atrocities. Remember, these are Elementary students writing in a second language. There are still some heavy grudges between the two nations, both politically and socially.
Nothing is really new with me. Next weekend is the Cherry Blossom Festival and the Soju Festival in Gyeongju, so that should be interesting. For those that don't know, Soju is a very popular Korean liquor. Expect photos of pretty trees and drunk people.
Would you consider a thorax an ant version of a waist? BTW you sir don't have an ant waist, its more like a wasps or yellow jackets except without the bulbous behind.